Graphs with Multiple Components

For each component, netgraph computes the node and edge layouts separately, and then arranges the individual components with respect to each other using rectangle packing.

plot 12 multicomponent graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from itertools import combinations
from netgraph import Graph

edge_list = []

# add 15 2-node components
edge_list.extend([(ii, ii+1) for ii in range(30, 60, 2)])

# add 10 3-node components
for ii in range(60, 90, 3):
    edge_list.extend([(ii, ii+1), (ii, ii+2), (ii+1, ii+2)])

# add a couple of larger components
n = 90
for ii in [10, 20, 30]:
    edge_list.extend(list(combinations(range(n, n+ii), 2)))
    n += ii

nodes = list(range(n))
Graph(edge_list, nodes=nodes, node_size=1, edge_width=0.3, node_layout='circular')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.262 seconds)

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