
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netgraph import Graph, InteractiveGraph, EditableGraph

# Several graph formats are supported:

# 1) edge lists
graph_data = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]

# 2) edge list with weights
graph_data = [(0, 1, 0.2), (1, 2, -0.4), (2, 0, 0.7)]

# 3) full rank matrices
import numpy
graph_data = np.random.rand(10, 10)

# 4) networkx Graph and DiGraph objects (MultiGraph objects are not supported, yet)
import networkx
graph_data = networkx.karate_club_graph()

# 5) igraph.Graph objects
import igraph
graph_data = igraph.Graph.Famous('Zachary')

# 6) graph_tool.Graph objects
import graph_tool.collection
graph_data = graph_tool.collection.data["karate"]

# Create a non-interactive plot:

# Create an interactive plot, in which the nodes can be re-positioned with the mouse.
# NOTE: you must retain a reference to the plot instance!
# Otherwise, the plot instance will be garbage collected after the initial draw
# and you won't be able to move the plot elements around.
# For related reasons, if you are using PyCharm, you have to execute the code in
# a console (Alt+Shift+E).
plot_instance = InteractiveGraph(graph_data)

# Create an editable plot, which is an interactive plot with the additions
# that nodes and edges can be inserted or deleted, and labels and annotations
# can be created, edited, or deleted as well.
plot_instance = EditableGraph(graph_data)

# Netgraph uses matplotlib for creating the visualisation.
# Node and edge artistis are derived from `matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`.
# Node and edge labels are `matplotlib.text.Text` instances.
# Standard matplotlib syntax applies.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,4))
plot_instance = Graph([(0, 1)], node_labels=True, edge_labels=True, ax=ax)
plot_instance.edge_artists[(0, 1)].set_facecolor('red')
plot_instance.edge_label_artists[(0, 1)].set_style('italic')
ax.set_title("This is my fancy title.")
ax.set_facecolor('honeydew') # change background color
fig.canvas.draw() # force redraw to display changes
fig.savefig('test.pdf', dpi=300)

# Read the documentation for a full list of available arguments: